Happy 1st Anniversary

September 30, 2014  •  1 Comment

Last Friday, was Truitte's and my one year anniversary!  It had been one year since we signed the papers of our home in Martinez, CA marking a new chapter in our lives!   First of all, I can't believe it had been a year already!  In some ways, it feels like we just moved here; but, in other ways, it felt like home the moment I walked through our beautiful front doors.


Looking back, I envisioned my year going different - like we all do!   When we signed our closing documents and they handed us our keys, we knew my mom and dad would move in with us as my mom's breast cancer had returned - this time to her bones.  However, because I try to look at things through rose colored glasses, I thought when we had our year anniversary my mom's cancer would be cured and my parents would be celebrating with us!!  But, in March, I lost my mom and two weeks ago , I helped my dad move back to Arizona!


Although there is a big hole in my heart, I am truly blessed with wonderful things in my life:  I get to live in one of the prettiest places I have ever been, when I drive into my neighborhood, I share it with turkeys, deer, cows  and beautiful birds.  My yard is covered with all things pretty:  trees, bushes, gardens, flowers.  My heart is grateful to all of my past clients in Arizona and the new ones that I am making in California!  I don't know where I would be in my life without the wonderful friendships I have and the budding new friendships that I am making!  Can't forget being blessed with wonderful family members - we've been able to lean on one another during this tough, transitional year!  The greatest things in my life are not the things I have but the ones that leave an imprint on my heart: Tyler, Emily (my new daughter-in-law), Megan, Conner!    There are days, this last year (especially) that have been brightened by my best friend and my husband and I don't know what I'd do without him!


So, yes a lot has happened in a relatively short period of time; but, the things that are steadfast  in my life have always been there - no matter where I physically am!  These people are embedded in my heart and will be there forever- whether they are my family or my friends!


I thought it was a good idea to start blogging!  First a disclaimer - I am not an English major and there may be grammar mistakes, but know I will always blog from my heart.  This is a good way for my old (not literally) friends and my new friends/clients to get to know me and what's important to me!  






Susan Drane(non-registered)
Congrats my dear friend on your first blog!! What an incredible year you have had - in so many ways. Never forget I am here for you as between our hearts there is no distance.


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