
March 05, 2015  •  1 Comment

As I write this blog, I am reminded of  how much Love conquers all!  It is the best medicine any person can have in life!!  This last Tuesday, March 3rd, was a year since my mom was called to heaven to be one of God's angels!    Time has helped heal the pain, remember the good times and reminded me of how much her unconditional love meant to me!

So, for those of you that didn't know my mom - I wanted to give you a glimpse as to how she impacted my life as a mother, grandmother and friend!  I read part of this at her celebration a year ago and can now look at the words and smile.  I wanted to share how her and my dad shaped me into the person I am today!

"Things I've Learned From My Mom"

- how to see the best in people and how to make them feel special - if she was talking to 1 person or 50, you always felt that what you had to say  was important to her

- my mom taught me that purple and pink should be some of life's primary colors and that chocolate should be one of the main food groups

- she taught me what it means to be a loyal friend - to have some, you must first be one

- my mom taught me to appreciate all things pretty:  nail polish, lipsticks, flowers, scents, holidays , jewelry

- she taught me how to communicate with others "the gift of gab"- she never met a stranger😄

-  Mom taught me to give everyone the benefit of the doubt unless they prove otherwise

-  The love of hospitality  - always making our friends feel at home.  From a very young age, I remember mom and dad hosting parties at our home and having many conversations around the kitchen table with our friends and I realized I wanted to do that when I grew up as well and always to make guests feel welcome

- Mom modeled to me how to be a young lady, a wife, a mom and a grandma to my future grandchildren – I had the best model and am very grateful!

- My mom taught me that life may give you some adversities & many times it won’t be fair – so you can feel down about it for a little while but then get back up and "fight like a girl"!  With the love of family, friends and faith in God  you will get through it and all will be OK, Susie!

- Mom taught me to love music – from listening to music from her era or mine.  One of the groups we both loved were the Supremes and I know we will be together again, “Someday We will be Together” and I know we will see ach other again in heaven! 

- Mom taught me how to be brave – until the very end, she was an incredibly brave, dignified & kind woman  still with her sense of humor and love for family and the ones taking care of her.

So, as you can see, I get a lot of my characteristics honestly from my mom and I am proud to say so.  Currently, I am sitting in Phoenix airport - having spent time with my wonderful dad and waiting to board a plane to go to Colorado!  This weekend, my daughter, my nieces  and my sister-on-laws will meet me there to participate in a breast cancer snowshoe walk to celebrate mom's life!  I am looking forward to spending time with these most special women in my life!  They give me strength and comfort and I am confident among the laughter, tears and wine , my mom , Pauline will be right there amongst her girls!

I love and miss you, mom!



Susie, this was a wonderful tribute to your lovely Mom and yes she was loved by everyone that had the pleasure of knowing her. You have all the wonderful traits of your Mom (and your wonderful Dad) and because of them, you have been truely blessed. I will be thinking of you and your girls this weekend on your Brest Cancer Walk.
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